Rotten fruit need spit out
Psalm 1
“Rotten Fruit need spit out”
About 15 years or so ago I planted three dwarf apple trees between our house and my
grandparents’ house that is unoccupied.
I have since forgotten what type they are except one which is yellow delicious.
It took a few years for them to grow enough to begin to bear fruit, once I began to prune
them, they really started doing pretty well.
Hey good fruit producing tree isn't real pretty thing to look at.
The top should be cut, main branches need to be free of stickers and upward turned limbs etc.
Once those things are done the nutrients that have been being siphoned off goes to the
remaining branches and their fruit production begins to multiply.
Two of my trees look emancipated now but boy are they yielding good crops.
the third tree I always have good intentions to getting to, but it always after pruning season.
Now, among them is a ditch that water off my heel goes down to a pipe that runs under 119.
The trees all receive the same amount of water per se, but why do two produces better than
Two or tended to and one is not.
As far as the apples go three types are pretty good to eat and are used for pies, applesauce,
apple butter and such.
The roots are well fed and watered; however, the two better yielding also have the deeper
I know because the third got knocked over by a microburst once which I have stabilized now
but the other two stood.
Now on the backside of my yard stands another apple tree, it was there when I was a kid.
There was a day that it produced a lot, and it was nice fruit.
I had never eaten one of its apples, so I picked a nice one from off the ground wiped it off on
my shirt took a big bite expecting delicious, sweet taste to cascade and dance upon my taste
buds, but what I really got was the worst, tartest, disgusting thing ever.
Instead of the delicious, Chris, delight upon which I could save her, I spit that bite out about 20
feet across the yard. It was terrible and half rotten.
What I expected and what I got were two different things.
The fruit from the three other trees I knew how good it was at least two of the three and I
picked it and my face I'm sure says it all as I enjoy this tasty, sweet flavor.
The other tree looked good too, fruit looked good, but they were crab apples and my face I bet
contorted a lot.
I knew it was a crabapple, but for some reason I was tempted to try it and when I did it was
very regrettable.
My taste buds paid the price.
I had always been told that eating crab apples would give a person a bad got eggs and stomach
cramps, thankfully I spit it out and avoided that which I would have deserved.
Two great edible choices one good choice and one bad choice I knew how good the three
types of fruit were and instead of choosing them I had to submit to the temptation of taking a
bite of what down deep I knew was not going to be good.
That was my choice, I took a bite of the temptation instead of the good which was a proven
I had to own my error in judgement, I had to own my decision.
Every day we have decisions to make.
We are given choices to make.
do we eat a good, healthy apple tree? Do we just have to try the old crab apples that have
been warned will not be good, it will make us sick and that once bitten into are disgusting?
Whatever we decide we own it, no one else.
Just like Eve in the garden, she and Adam were warned, “Do not eat of that fruit on the tree of
knowledge, it will cause you problems and pain.”
Eat any of the other trees and they will be delicious, healthy fruits which is all good for you.
Eve was tempted, and eight of the one tree she and Adam knew better than to bite into.
and the blame game started.
Why did you eat of that proverbial crabapple tree, you were told it was bad for you, why?
Eve: the devil made me do it!
God: no, he tempted you and you made the choice to eat it.
Adam: Hey God it's your fault if you wouldn't have given me this woman, I wouldn't have
eaten it.
God: No, you made a choice Adam, I told you both don't try that fruit.
Don't blame the devil, he was that conduit to tempt you both. Don't blame ERve she brought
you the temptation, you could have said no.
God's word tells us what trees in life that we can eat and of what fruit will be good in taste and
God's word tells us of what tree in life that we are not to eat of and what fruit will give us
stomach cramps and make us spiritually ill.
It's our decision every day which we eat of.
Since sometimes looks really good, doesn't it?
Sometimes if we eat of the tree we may get sick from its fruit, but if we continue to eat of it
whatever reason our bodies, our tastes become accustomed to it and it gets easier to partake
in its bitterness.
That seems crazy though when all the while there is delicious healthy fruit we can eat.
Our decision of obedience makes sense in a time for our carnal minds disobedience makes
sense wrongfully so.
Re read Psalm 1 are you like this person or are you like Adam and Eve?
Your choice 100% you own it. Rotten, bitter fruit needs spit out and beautiful healthy fruit is to
be savored and enjoyed.