Where Everyone Is Someone


The 7 sins that God hates - Part 2

The 7 sins that God hates/Part 2
Proverbs 6:16-19
Song of Solomon 2:15

In part 1 I attempted to lay the groundwork for how the love of God does not extend to the realm of sin. Our carnal and at times narcissistic minds and hearts do what we know spiritually are wrong. Paul said in paraphrasing that he did things he shouldn’t and he didn’t do the things he should.

Solomon listed 7 sins out of wheel barrel full that he identifies as abdominal in God’s sight. The term abdominal is a very strong word in biblical terms that means intense hatred and despising of something. That is much stronger than just simple disliking.

Solomon points directly at our hearts, these abominable sins are matters of our mental thought process too.

In part 1. I covered the first of the 7 listed. Pride, Arrogance, and Haughty or proud eyes.

We will begin part 2 with the 2nd list of our text “A lying tongue.”

Why do we lie? Well, I think there are several reasons that we do.
1. We do so to cover up a deed, word or action that we have said or done.
2. We do so to cover up an already committed lie.
3. We do so to save the feelings of friends n loved ones.

First, if we keep our noses clean, then there are no grounds for us to lie about anything. Right? A lie is a lie.

There are no white lies or dark lies. They are what they are. Lies.

Every time that we lie we are putting our credibility and God’s credibility is on the line or at risk. We don’t want to be the person that others don’t believe a what we say.

We don’t want to be the person that no one trusts, that others doubt what we have to say. Lying goes against the personality of God and his character.

Break someone’s confidentiality even once after you promised it would be held and you have likely lost that person’s trust for good.

A lying tongue can also be associated with a flattering tongue. Sooner or later a flattering tongue is gonna get called out when and if the receiver of the lies figures it out. Smooth Talkers, people I call Smoochers, are all guilty of participating in the acts of the sins of the Lying tongues.
If you ever saw the old show Leave it to Beaver the kid Eddie Haskell was the prototypical Smoocher. “Good morning Mrs. Cleaver, you're looking quite lovely this morning!” “Good evening Mr. Cleaver your looking well, have you been going to the gym?”

The next aspected listed is that when a lie is challenged, it will and can lead to a series of lies as we slide deeper down the rabbit’s hole. Every lie demands yet another. Like the old saying goes “What a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive.

The 3rd aspect of this may be the one that is hardest to come to terms with. Have you ever lied to save the feelings of a friend or loved one to save their feelings or buffer them from emotional hardship?

Such as when your wife asks if her new dress is becoming of her figure. If it does then great, you have no moral dilemma in your response. If it doesn’t that’s a great time to throw a couple of saltines in your mouth as your response. Lol

Or when your husband says “Do you still think I’m as handsome now with being bald and 25# added as I was with hair and thinner like I used to be?” If he is, no problem dilemma there. If not, ladies that’s a good time for a coughing fit to take place as your answer. Lol

Next on the list is. God hates hands that shed innocent blood. This is when a person kills or takes the life of another human being with premeditated thought or when it is done with malicious and intentional intent toward an innocent.

War holds a two-fold aspect to this. If an individual intentionally kills noncombatants that is the shedding of innocent blood. Terrorism falls into this area it is the blatant shedding of innocent blood. Soldiers on the battlefield do not fall into this. They are armed combatants. This is when the human right of self-defense comes about for a person.

In my opinion abortion and infanticide, both fall into the sin of the shedding of innocent blood. What is more innocent than a baby in or out of the womb? Nothing in my opinion.

If puppies and kittens were being killed like this, the whole world would be in an uproar which I think it should be, but when it’s a human child there is too much blood money being made globally to stop it.

I feel that the Pro-life community could do a lot better job of reaching out to women who have had abortions and start helping them to heal through the word of God, why can’t we offer them forgiveness in Jesus’ name? This is another example of WWJD. Can we in a better way promote agencies such as the prolife (We Care Crisis Pregnancy Center) and others as they try to help prevent abortions from taking place while being a vital part of a women’s life in their needs?

Next on Solomon’s list of the 7 sins that God hates is A heart that devises wicked schemes.

God despises a heart that connives to bring about hurt, harm, and vengeance against someone else. A Christian that has a devious and vengeful heart is treading on dangerous ground with the Lord. This is devising ways with intentional means of bringing harm.

Who among us has not experienced being hurt Physically, Spiritually, Emotionally somewhere, and at some time along life’s journey?

It’s tough going through any of these things, I understand because I’ve experienced all of these before.

Our carnal hearts and minds go into an “I’m gonna even the score” Or “they going to pay for this” attitude.

So, we begin to scheme and we begin to devise actions and ways for the “payback” to be unleashed at our timing and at our convenience.

We may even begin to lose sight of reality and completely live for the day that our schemes of revenge will begin the destruction of another’s life as best we can. And how justice will be served when our thirst for retaliation is fulfilled.

To want to purposely desire and to scheme harm to others under any circumstance is an act of a heart that doesn’t have things in line with the Lord. To scheme and devise evil is evil unto itself. Can we forgive? Yes. Can we forget? Maybe. Can we be obedient and let God be God? He said, “ Vengeance is mine, I shall repay.”

Another angle in this regard is people that devise wicked schemes to steal and scam people out of their hard-earned finances. Those who design plans to rob the elderly out of their savings, those who use stories to tug at the heartstrings of lonely people promising love and companionship and instead bilk the person sometimes out of their future financial stability.

Ponzi Schemes did you ever notice there are a lot of promises made for wealth, but only the top tier ever see any of it. That thought brings me to the worst of the lot with all of those that devise wicked schemes.

Prosperity Gospel Ministers and Ministries. Plant your financial seed with me and I guarantee you a great financial windfall if you just have enough faith. I stopped watching most of the Christian tv because it sickened me to watch men and women that live in big mansions, own private jets, ride around in limos to name a few things, and plead with people mostly elderly and homebound folk to send them $100.

I’m actually gonna name some people whom I believe use their status to fleece the flock which has to take some serious wicked scheming to be as successful at it as they are. You may watch and maybe even like them, I have watched some in the past and honestly, I don’t dislike them as a person, they are engaging, but you or I am out of our minds if we ever financially support any of them. This is just my opinion on these folk and ministries.

Here we go.....

Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Paula White, Eddie Long, Joel Olsteen, TD Jakes, Fred Price, Robert Tilton, Juanita Bynom, Paul Crouch, Mike Murdoch, Kenneth Hagen, Rod Parsley, Peter Popoff, TL Osbourne, Jimmy Swaggert, and who could ever forget the dynamic duo of Jim and Tammy Faye Baker? Those too are like spiritual COVID, just when you think it’s ending, Shazam, there they are again!

They may look like they are being blessed on the outside, but to me, they are like the Pharisees that Christ said were like white-washed walls on the inside.

God despises the hearts of those who devise wicked schemes.

God devises feet that are quick to rush to evil.

My first thought to this was watching the riots that destroyed multiple areas of our cities, we witnessed businesses being destroyed, lives lost and the rule of law crushed under the feet of those who were quick to rush to evil.

Thousands of people saw an opportunity to let the worst of themselves overtake the sensibility of what the time was calling for. People rushed to cause and wreak havoc with evil intent to destroy.

In biblical times the Pharisees were the culprits in stirring up trouble and whipping up others to rush and too involved in mob violence and death. God despised it then and God despises it now.

I’m not talking about peaceful protests and meetings, this is about when people want to cause mayhem, evil, and destruction. Christians, choose the right way to do things.

Please be involved in matters that you hold dear, act and react as you know a Christian should, and never, ever let your emotions dictate your common sense.

Spiritually, this refers to people that display no resistance to evil. Look at Eve she gave no resistance to Satan’s temptation. I see it as a person that enjoys sinning and gravitates to it. Jesus said, “ Resist the devil and he will flee from you!” Let his cloven hooves run from you and God’s strength.

God hates the sin of those that break the 9th of the Great Commandments, Bearing false witness.

This is similar to a lying tongue but it is a special kind of a liar. This is when a person intentionally offers false statements against another which could cause that person to lose their freedom and be judged for something that they are innocent of which can or could lead to that person’s death.

A Christian can never, never, ever bear false witness against anyone Saved or the Unsaved. Knowingly doing so, is not just sin and hated by God, it is a felony that can send you to prison for perjury!

I group gossiping in with this. Why do Christians feel the need to gossip and backbite against another Christian and maybe even worse an unsaved person?

We many times do these and God hates it. How many lives and relationships have to suffer before we realize that our mouths and tongues can be another’s worst enemy and our own worst enemy as well.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!

And now, the last of the 7 sins that God hates and despises:
A heart that stirs up discord among the brethren.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Wow! We have had enough of these over the last 18+ years. Some though stand out more obviously than others. Looking back, those were some very interesting moments, but not moments I hope that we will ever live through again.

Frankly, God weeded out the garden. There were in most cases narcissistic tendencies involved with someone or others not getting their way in matters. The most valuable lesson that I personally learned was that nipping these in the bud can cut off a lot of discord from happening.

The devil just loves when discord takes place in a church body and God equally despises it. For the heart of a Believer that purposefully causes dissension within the body of Christ that is a heart needs a readjustment.

I have always tried to live by a personal thought in regard to this and that is that there is no room for discord in the church, there is nothing that should not be able to be talked through and in the end, our bond in Christ should enable us to agree to disagree if that is possible.

So, these are the 7 sins that Solomon listed, but I also want to read a verse from the Songs of Solomon 2:15.

We tend to concentrate on these and other sins that we consider to be Big, but in my mind yes these are bad, but it’s what we would consider being smaller ones that will eventually eat away at the grapevines of our healthy relationship with God.

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