Where Everyone Is Someone


Ten Commandments Part 2

Sunday, October 23

“Ten Commandments part 2”

Deuteronomy 5: 6-21

Last week we covered commandments one through 4, which is about our relationship with God.

Today we will cover Five through 10, which concern our relationship with each other human beings.

Remember that these are the 10 Commandments suggestions.

These are God's moral and ethical commands for his people, Israel, and for Christians. They are a personal code of conduct that we are to follow to live the lives God wishes for us to live.

There are works, which cannot, nor will they ever be sufficient to get us to heaven.

Jesus Christ becoming our personal savior in our sins. Being forgiven is the only way for a person to spend eternity with God.

So, in quick review!

  1. No show. Have no other gods before me. 

  2. Thou shalt not create any graven image.

  3. Take not the Lord's name in vain.

  4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

As we begin five through 10.

5. Honor thy mother and father.  

This speaks volumes about respect and love from parent to child in from child to parent. Parents must establish very early on they are in charge, not the child. Every parent has differing styles, whatever it may be. It has to be authoritative yet extended with grace. Every child from tot to teen has their own personality. A parent must figure out those. To discipline when needed, and praise when it's warranted. Children it is a command from God. That you honor and respect your dad and mom.  There may be times, you may not like them. You may not want to spend time with them, especially as a team. But in God's eyes, you have to honor them, even when you don't want to.

Here is the reward, God promises to give you long days and his blessings.

Adult children, this is a command to us too.

We may have not. Had a good parent or parents, God still expects us to obey his commands.

We can choose to be bitter or through God's grace towards us, become better.

6. Thou shalt not kill.

This is referring to premeditated murder.

This First occurred when Cain is in a jealous and evil way, killed his brother Abel. Who was behind his act? Who planted the seed of premeditation in canes, mind, and heart? Satan.

In my opinion, it takes an evil mind and heart to intentionally plan to take another life.

This extends to knowingly participating in any part of intentional murder.

Where does not fall under this on the battlefield? This is killed or killed in all have the right to defend their lives.

Abortion does fall under this command.

What is more innocent than a child?

Premeditation occurs to take away the unborn child's life. Forgiveness can be found in Jesus Christ.

7. Dial shall not commit adultery.

Again, a command, not a suggestion.

A good number of emotional and physical affairs occur in the workplace.

Committing adultery is a choice, not as, and many adulterers try to claim that it was a mistake.

Rule #1 is to help a man or woman commit emotional or physical adultery. Do not have a person of the opposite sex at work, church, or anywhere as your person to confide in which, especially in marital, issues.

Rule #2. Do not meet a person of the opposite sex in a nonpublic place and alone.

Rule #3. Your vows were made before God. You shouldn't have made them if you didn't mean them.

Rule #4. Do unto your spouse as you would want them to do unto you and stay true.

Rule #5 as Christ so loved his church, husband, and wives, so must you love each other.

Rule #6 whether you're tempted at work, the gym, church, or wherever. Remember, the grass isn't greener on the other side. The green grass might be at the bottom of a septic leach bed.

8. Thou shalt not steal.

Oh man, there are so many tentacles to this one.

Theft happens in so many forms.

Commandment #6 could fall under this. In adultery. The situation, a person married and having an affair with another married person or a single person being in the affair partner, or a murdered person is guilty of the theft of another spouse in life.

We can be guilty of stealing many things.

Time from work, taking longer breaks at lunches than permitted.

Taking tools or scrap from the plant or shop, is not authorized.

Not giving back incorrect change from a cashier.

Barring an item and never returning it.

So many possibilities, yet the same results, we are. A thief if we steal in the eyes of God and man.

9. Bear no false witness against thy neighbor.

Two weeks ago, I Through the Holy Spirit spoke unbridled and unbridled tongue.

Christian, honor your parents, and don't have emotional and physical affairs. Don't steal and bridle your tongue.

Many times, a person will have a neighbor, another neighbor, offend them and then Stew about it and in a way to enact their own justice, will lie and make accusations that are untrue.

It's like being in a courtroom and on the witness stand and your neighbor is on trial for murder. The persecutor asked you to identify the person you saw committing the murder and you point at that neighbor knowing full well it wasn't them.

You see, Christian God has seven things he truly hated and a liar and their tongue.

The devil is a liar, and he is an accuser of each of us. Do we want to be in his category?

10. Thou shalt not covet.

Envy and jealousy would fall under this umbrella. Christians we can. Want to achieve and have things and get better, Sure. But we can't be so intent on those matters, that we forget to be grateful for what we do have.

If we commit adultery, it's because we are envying someone else's wife and husband or life.

If we steal something from someone we have coveted their property.

If we bare False witness. In my opinion, we are coveting that person's life. And we want to take something from them.

Paul wrote that we are to be content in all things.

Listen., focus on you, on what you have been blessed with, and be happy. Don't worry about what you don't have, thank God for what you do have.

So, commands five through 10 really are about our character as Christians.

They really are a source of moral and ethical jurisprudence.

Solomon said. It's a little the little foxes that destroy the vineyard, keeping up to the 10 Commandments can better our relationship or break them. Can we break our relationship with God and others?

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