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Exodus 20:1-17

Exodus 20:1-17

These Ten Commandments are also known as the Decalogue (this is Greek meaning “ten words” or “Deka logoi”. In Hebrew, it is (Aseret HaDibrot).

These are the first Ten Commandments of a total of 613 given to God's people. Which is known as a mitzvah.

They are the foundation of Jewish ethics and civil and religious law.

These were divinely revealed by given by Jehovah on Mount Sinai. They were chiseled and engraved into two stone tablets.

Given once, destroyed by Moses in a fit of rage because of the Hebrew's unbelief and idolatry, and re-given again.

There is a parallel scripture to today’s text, and it is Deuteronomy 5:6-21.

These Ten Commandments are not called the Ten Suggestions, are they? There is a strong difference between commands and suggestions.

A command is given with demands they are to be obeyed, A suggestion is given with the understanding that they may or may not be followed or obeyed.

These commands are written as a part of the Old Testament. The OT is about the Law, we are fortunate to now living in the New Testament age of grace.

So then why do we give credence to any part of the OT?

1. Contrary to some the OT is still relevant.

2. If it were not for the OT there wouldn’t be an NT

3. Jesus said that he was the fulfillment of the law and the prophets

4. The Ten Commandments are a moral code for every Christian to follow as we strive to live a clean moral and ethical life.

To reiterate what these are.

1. You shall have no other Gods before me.

2. Thou shall make no graven images.

3. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.

4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

5. Honor your father and mother.

6. Thou shall not kill.

7. Thou shall not commit adultery.

8. Thou shall not steal.

9. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

10. Thou shall not covet.

1&2 Thou shall have no other Gods before me and thou shall make no graven images.

As Christians, if we are not careful we can unwittingly or worse yet knowingly create other gods before Jehovah.

Are there any gods that you have you have placed in your life that you worship that to you are more important than the Lord?

If so, could it be money? You know that money itself is not evil, it’s the love of money that is the sin. With that is true then the love of money's basis actually is greed.

I don’t begrudge anyone for having material things, God wants us to enjoy life. However, when these things cause us to sacrifice our relationship with God, if they put our marriages in jeopardy, when our kids become resentful because we missed there growing up, because we were not around, because we had to work overtime or pick up 2nd jobs to pay for those material things.

We had to keep up with Joneses. 3 new vehicles in the driveway, every kid had to have an all-terrain vehicle, boats, an RV, and a house that’s way too big and eats us up in heat and cooling. In the end is any of it worth sacrificing our relationship with God, putting our marriages in jeopardy, or losing our kids' respect over when it’s said and done?

Again, nothing wrong with having and enjoying the things of this world as long as none become our gods or become idols to them.

3. Thou shall not take the Lord's name in vain.

I am ashamed to say that in the journey of my life that in anger I have been guilty of doing so. Retentive? Absolutely. Forgiven? Yes. Yet still regret.

In Judaism the name of God is so holy, so reverent, it is not written out nor said in the synagogue. We live in a world that has no qualms about using The Lord's name as if it were nothing more than trash to be said as normal conversation.

The world will do so, we of faith must be able to be the example that Our God's names are powerful, and precious and are to be revered.

How many children only hear the name Of Jesus Christ when a parent or grandparent shouts it out when tripping over a cat or dog? How many only hear the name of God when a thumb is hit with a hammer. How many only hear Jesus when the Steelers lose another game?

God's Holy names are exactly that. Holy.

4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy.

Hebrews 10:25 we are instructed that a Christian is not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together as some want to do.

What does that mean? That means that Christians are expected by God to come together in unity to worship the Lord.

A building of wood and concrete is not a church. However, it is the place called the House of God. A Person does not have to come to the building to worship God, but the obedient Christian will do so.

I have heard about every excuse known to ever be uttered for people’s reasons.

Here a just a few.

“I was hurt at my last church so I won’t attend anywhere!”

My response. “If someone at your job hurt you would you stop going to your job?”

And “I am Jim Fillhart and this RIC we are not them.”

“I am afraid of catching something with all the people.” I honestly understand that. 

But, “why do I see you out grocery shopping, going to public places to eat, playing sports, etc.”

“RIC is just too far to drive on a Sunday morning.”

“Really? Ok well here are two free tickets to a Noon Penguins game in Pittsburgh this Sunday!” But I understand you won’t take these because you don’t like to travel far on Sundays.”

“Well, I enjoy watching so and so on tv on Sunday mornings.” Hey, I like those people too.” So, are they going to visit you in the hospital at 10:00 at night? Are they going to personally anoint and pray for you? Are they going to comfort you in your loss of a loved one and oversee their funeral service for ya”

“It’s just easier to watch the service on the live feed.” “Ok, good I’m glad you're watching it.”

“Are you homebound? Are you I’ll? Are you out of town? Are you working Sunday?”

“ Because if not, the live feed is done for those types of people.” If you can come to church then let me blunt. I expect you to be in church and to come to Sunday School.”

Enough of the excuses. If you can be here in God's house then I believe you should be here. We love you, we value you, and we miss the personal fellowship with you. Cmon home!

Let’s reconnect, let’s keep each other accountable before both God and Man.

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