Part 2: The nature and exploits of angels and demons
The Nature and Exploits of Angels and Demons
Daniel 10:9-11
At the conclusion of Part 1, We discovered that albeit Lucifer and the rebel angels were cast from their abiding place in heaven that there is still access to them especially Lucifer who by that point had been renamed Satan, the Devil among other titles. As he comes before the throne of God being the Accuser of we the brethren.
To add further proof of this almost hard-to-believe scenario I’m going to read a short text of another event similar to this, not involving Satan, but an unnamed Evil Spirit.
From 1st Kings 22
One of the few godly kings of Judah named Jehoshaphat made an unholy military alliance with perhaps the most wicked king of Israel Ahab and the sweetheart of a wife Jezebel. Their children were married together.
Ahab was being pressed by the Syrians and he drew Jehoshaphat into the coming battle. All the prophets prophesied that this alliance would win a great victory only one named Machia whom Ahab hated dared to tell the ultimate truth.
This is what he told Ahab and Jehoshaphat.
Starting in vs 19.
“And he said, here now, therefore, the word of the Lord. I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and all the hosts of heaven standing by him on his right hand on his left.
And the Lord said, “Who shall persuade Ahab to go up and fall at Ramothgilead? And one said on this manner and another on said on that matter. And there came forth a spirit and stood before the Lord and said “ I will persuade him!” And the Lord said unto him wherewithal or how? And he said “I will go forth and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said (God) Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also, go and do so.”
The mere aspect of this entity willingly being a lying spirit disqualifies him from being of the loyal heavenly host.
Why is this such an important aspect of this series topic? Because it sets up the 2nd battle in the heavenly civil war. From Revelation 12.
Now, remember vs 3&4 have already occurred in eternity past. Jesus verified this. And he said, “ I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” He beheld, he had already seen Satan and 1/3 of the angelic host being thrown out of their “abiding” place in heaven.
God the Father has permitted access by them to prove us against the accusations brought forth against us and to prove that they are still under his will. As seen with Ahab as seen with Saul God will use them to bring about his will and his glory in the realm of men.
This is the moment of Revelation 12:7-12 the day is coming when this uprise from the Devil and his hoards of scandalous, rebellious, betrayers will be cast out and cut off by God and then all literal hell on earth will occur.
And there was war in heaven, and Michael fought with his angels and the Dragon fought with his angels and prevailed not and neither was their place found any more in heaven!”
I believe that this occurs at the midpoint of the tribulation and the unholy Trinity of Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False prophet will attempt yet even again to win the losing battle of keeping Jesus from his earthly and eternal throne.
Now let’s begin to examine the nature and exploits of these opposite and opposing spirit beings.
We’ve already established that at some point in eternity, Jesus created the caste of angels or ministering servants for the Godhead. After the original rebellion, we again know that the count was reduced by 1/3.
The loyal angelic host number is still a massive amount I personally believe.
The number of these spirits and immortal beings is really not known in an exact number.
References to at least a vague idea in number were used such as:
Countless Thousands
Myriad which means Innumerable or Countless
Thousand upon Thousands and ten thousand and ten thousand.
Likely a count beyond our real comprehension.
Individually the loyalists as we’ve discussed last week as sons of God, morning stars, holy ones, ministering servants, and Messengers.
Types of angels as we draw from scripture are in the list of believed strengths and numbers.
Archangels: We are only privy to know one by name in our canonized scripture. You know who he is. Michael. The Defender of God’s people Israel and the Ranking General if you will of God’s heavenly armies.
The very limited number of but 4 which John referred to as the 4 living creatures. These angels are the closest before the throne of God again as John explained between the throne and the group of the souls of 24 human men called the 24 Elders.
Next the Cherubim. The protector of God’s throne room. This group I feel would be like the Elite forces of the heavenly. Remember who once was their Captain? Lucifer.
Kinda makes me wonder who Cherubim was who was promoted to the position.
Next of whom I believe the most numerous caste is the Seraphim. Their role is to be the worship and praise team before the throne. It seems that this group would also likely be the messenger angels. Is it possible that Gabriel is the head of the Seraphim?