Where Everyone Is Someone


What If?

Sunday, October 2

What If?

Romans 14:7-9

How many times have we said or heard those two little words in question?

Satan sinners alike utter this question.

I have said them. Likely more times than I care to think about.

As much as a believer does our best to walk by faith and not by sight human nature does at times come into play.

I don’t know about any of you, but frankly do not care to have question marks in my life.

The range of possibilities is and can be broad, can’t they?

How many of us have gotten a physical test done and then Had to sit and wait a week for the results to come back. And every time the phone would ring, or our hearts would jump.

Did any of us during Those times everything or say the words. “What if?”

It takes. In my opinion, a special Christian it does not at least think. In a minimal way,

negatively on the possibilities, which can then bring that question. What if? Which stems from worry.

What if the results are not good? What if the doctor explains a plan? But what if it doesn’t work?

Well, what if the results come back? Good? Then we thank the Lord, share thanks for everyone’s prayers. And we might even chastise ourselves a bit for saying what if?

Understand, that whether it is a result, pro or con God was, is and will always be with us.

I don’t condemn anyone who says or thinks what if. For the possibilities pro or con on our physical health. I would be a hypocrite if I did. Should we say or think? What If? no, but it is tough not to. Maybe what we could start to do is to turn our thinking around some when what ifs come into our mindset. We can respond in our hearts positively.

What if it’s all going to be OK? What if all my worries have been a big waste of time? What if the worst scenario? Occurs. That only means that I’m going to go to Heaven and be with Jesus and be well and whole again. Now let’s do a 180 here.

Let’s look at some biblical examples of events that we can think or say what if? It would have turned out differently and where the individuals. May very well themselves thought or said, what if in any concerned way.

So... What if Adam and Eve would have not been disobedient?

When judged and then expelled from the garden, did they say, “Geez, we had listened?” The curse of death would have never been imputed to us.

What if Moses had not killed the Egyptian Taskmaster?

In the 40 years in exile, did he ever think? What if I had done so?

Not condoning his actions, but God’s people would not have been delivered from the bondage at least in God’s timing.

What if David had turned away from watching Bathsheba bathing?

Do you think he may have thought or said? What if I had turned away?

His legacy would not have suffered And the sword would not have entered his house.

What if the disciples would have stayed in the upper room and never embarked on the Great Commission?

Christianity would have died on the vine, and we would never have heard the Gospel message.

What if Jesus had not been the word in the flesh?

What if he refused and never went to the cross?

What if the resurrection had never happened?

Praise to the Lord. We never have to even consider these what ifs because of John 3:16.

Our future as Christian is good.

We don’t ever have to consider what if God promises of Christ return won’t happen because God’s word will never fail.

May our what ifs from now on. Not come from lack of faith, from doubt, or from worry. If we say them, let that let. It come from the aspect of inquisitiveness of our minds, and hearts.

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